Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Starting out & overall action plan

At the end of May 2007, I was inspired by The Simple Dollar (originally from Triplux) to create a set of goals for myself. It's actually 101 goals in 1001 days, but that doesn't make for a great URL. I believe that I have a good chance of accomplishing most (if not all) of them by Feb. 22, 2010 (a Monday, if you want to know).

Here's where I'll document it all. This was my action plan:
1. Write out a list of goals - just a draft, whatever comes to mind, fill as many pages as necessary
2. Go over the list and sort it into personal, financial, career-related, etc.
3. Classify the list into mini, short, medium, or long-term (the long-term ones, and possibly a few of the medium, will not get done in 1001 days)
4. Go over the list again, rewording, clarifying, defining, quantifying, etc. so that each goal is measurable and well defined
5. Make a final list
6. Develop specific action points for each

It's probably a boring blog topic (and there are many others with the same theme floating around the internets as well!) but the idea behind the blog is just to keep myself on track. But if it helps you out too, that's great!

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